The Calm Before the Storm
This is my story, written by me during my second pregnancy with my daughter Nikita who was born on 02/01/2018. Let me warn you – it’s raw, emotional and up front – it’s not meant to be used as a scientific resource so if that’s what you’re after then head to the resource section of my website where you’ll find plenty of helpful articles. This is just me and my thoughts as I survived the world as a pregnant lady…..
34 weeks pregnant:
Just like that, the storm clouds blew away and the sun came out…………..the contrast of how I’ve been feeling the past few days to how I felt last week is unbelievable. On the whole, my body feels much better this week and I’m definitely feeling less pelvic pain than I have in a month but at the same time, my belly is growing at a rapid rate and I’m at that point where it feels like everything is stretched to it’s absolute limit and I can’t seem to fit the baby and my 3 meals per day inside my belly.
Despite this, the past few days I have felt more like my normal self than I have in weeks. Maybe it is something to do with a reprieve from the constant pelvic pain I’ve been experiencing, but then again the belly tightness isn’t that comfortable at the moment either so in reality I’ve just swapped one pain for another! It’s so much easier dealing with things when you have a positive mental state though. Even my work colleagues are noticing the difference in me this week……commenting on the fact that I have my usual smile back and seem more like my normal self (I must have really showed my pain and depressed mood on my face the past few weeks because I didn’t complain about anything at work, they just picked up on it). This crazy hormonal rollercoaster we ride towards the end of pregnancy can really mess with your emotions.
Anyway, it’s nice to feel like the sun is shining from the inside and I hope this feeling sticks around a lot longer (6 weeks would be really great!). My girlfriend had a baby last week at 34 weeks which is crazy when I think that could be me today……..I’ve literally been counting down the days of this pregnancy since about week 6 and now I’m only 6 weeks from the end, I don’t think it’s sunk in that we are going to have a newborn at home in the near future………better actually start getting my self organized and work out where my baby things are and what I need to replace or purchase!!