Beyond Tired
This is my story, written by me during my second pregnancy with my daughter Nikita who was born on 02/01/2018. Let me warn you – it’s raw, emotional and up front – it’s not meant to be used as a scientific resource so if that’s what you’re after then head to the resource section of my website where you’ll find plenty of helpful articles. This is just me and my thoughts as I survived the world as a pregnant lady…..
36 weeks pregnant:
Made it to the end of my hardest days at work this week……..just. On the whole I’m feeling much better than I was a month or so ago which is great but at the same time I’m also starting to get really fatigued by the end of the day, especially after a particularly long day at work. Then I have a day off, where I can actually rest when I’m tired, and I seem to have plenty of energy. I don’t do “rest” very well and my style is just to charge through the day until I drop……..if you don’t stop then you don’t notice you’re tired! I’m still enjoying my training every morning and it’s definitely helping with my energy levels, although I’m definitely much more limited with my options these days and the movements are slower with greater amounts of rest in between.
I finished work at 36 weeks in my first pregnancy but still have 2 weeks of work to go this time round because I decided to work right up to Christmas. Not sure if that was a good decision or not but I’m locked in now so can’t do much about it. What’s 2 more weeks when I’ve already come 36!!