A Little bit of Luxury
This is my story, written by me during my second pregnancy with my daughter Nikita who was born on 02/01/2018. Let me warn you – it’s raw, emotional and up front – it’s not meant to be used as a scientific resource so if that’s what you’re after then head to the resource section of my website where you’ll find plenty of helpful articles. This is just me and my thoughts as I survived the world as a pregnant lady…..
28 weeks pregnant:
Milestone week………end of the second trimester / start of the third. It’s funny cause last week, with 13 weeks to go, it still felt like an eternity until the baby is due and this week with 12 weeks to go and entering the third and final trimester it suddenly feels like the end is close. Maybe that’s something to do with the fact that I’m currently on holidays…….and not just any holiday, one at a 5 star resort called Qualia on Hamilton Island which is in the Whitsunday Island group off the coast of far north Queensland (Australia’s answer to the Hawaiian Islands) …….and to top it off, it’s an adults only resort so I’m actually getting some quality one on one time with my husband for 4 days and 3 nights while my amazing parents look after Denzel. I’m claiming this getaway as a babymoon but in actual fact it’s a reward trip for my husband who set a sales goal over 15 years ago and finally achieved it a few months ago…….I’m definitely happy to cash in on his success though as well as being super proud of him. It’s been 2 days so far and I’m so relaxed it feels like I’ve been away for a week already! There’s two things you notice when you are suddenly in the company of only adults after nearly 5 years of “child friendly” holidays……..it’s soooo quiet when there’s no children around and you have so much extra time in the day! It took at least 24 hours for us to get into full relaxation mode though. You think you’re relaxed but at the same time it still feels like there’s something you should be doing or that you need to check on the kids cause it’s quiet and they must be up to something!
I’m not one for sitting around all day doing nothing but after an early morning training session (which is getting more limited the bigger my belly gets), an amazing 4 course breakfast followed by some water activities (sailing and stand up paddle boarding), I was actually happy to lie back and read by the pool for an hour or so…….this is where I discovered the most amazing beanbag I’ve ever sat on! At 28 weeks and 10kg heavier, even the pool chairs get uncomfortable after a small time but this bean bag (in the shape of a chair) seemed to take my weight so evenly that I literally could’ve spent the rest of the day in it. So excited by my find, I’ve already looked up the brand (Lujo) and ordered 2 online for early Christmas presents for us to buy each other. I’m not sure what I’m excited about more……getting the beanbags when they arrive or the fact that I’ve already done my Christmas shopping for my husband 10 weeks early!
This trip away couldn’t have come at a better time for me. The way things worked out, with my due date being in the first week of January, I will be working all the way up to Christmas, which will take me to 38 weeks. I was starting to think that may have been too ambitious the way my body has been feeling in the last few weeks but now I feel like anything is possible. Obviously I needed this break as much for my mind as I did for my body. I will be returning home refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated. Third trimester come at me…….I’m ready!!