
Surviving the first year
Where did that year go??? As I sit here in Hawaii, reflecting on my first year as a mum of 2 kids, it’s hard to...
Written January 2, 2019

D Day
We made it to January!!! Then we made it past new years day……..and then we had a baby! Here is the story of her arrival,...
Written January 2, 2019

The Home Straight
39 weeks pregnant: My biggest fear this pregnancy was that my baby girl was going to be born on Christmas day or in the few...
Written December 29, 2017

Light at the End of the Tunnel
38 weeks pregnant: I made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited to finally be on maternity leave and it’s Christmas in 4 days time! The last 2...
Written December 22, 2017

Beyond Tired
36 weeks pregnant: Made it to the end of my hardest days at work this week……..just. On the whole I’m feeling much better than I...
Written December 8, 2017

The Calm Before the Storm
34 weeks pregnant: Just like that, the storm clouds blew away and the sun came out…………..the contrast of how I’ve been feeling the past few...
Written November 24, 2017

The Wait and the Weight
32 weeks pregnant: One thing I’ve realized this pregnancy, more than the last, is how quickly things can change from day to day, both physically...
Written November 10, 2017

What a Pain
30 weeks pregnant: I definitely needed and benefited from the trip away last week and was feeling so good, both mentally and physically at the...
Written October 27, 2017

A Little bit of Luxury
28 weeks pregnant: Milestone week………end of the second trimester / start of the third. It’s funny cause last week, with 13 weeks to go, it...
Written October 13, 2017

I’m not a Sugar Baby
27 weeks pregnant: I’m an hour and a half into my 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test and I feel awful. It’s pretty much a...
Written October 6, 2017

The joys of pregnancy
26 weeks pregnant: I feel like I just walked into a brick wall……literally! I know I’ve technically passed half way so really I should feel...
Written September 29, 2017

Frequent Flyer Foetus
24 weeks pregnant: 24 weeks……… I can’t believe I’m already at the stage where this baby would possibly survive if she was born now (but...
Written September 15, 2017

My Lady Lump
22 weeks pregnant: My belly has really popped out this week. It’s started to get in the way when I want to bend forward and...
Written September 1, 2017

Half Way Baby
20 weeks pregnant: Half way!!!! Although technically not really half way yet seeing as the first 2 weeks you’re actually not even pregnant and the...
Written August 18, 2017

Snow Bunny
18 weeks pregnant: I’m sitting in my chalet at the snow, looking out at fresh power falling on the mountain as I’m writing this. Don’t...
Written August 4, 2017

Reserved for the Pregnant Lady
16 weeks pregnant: I got recognized as a pregnant lady by a stranger for the first time this week! It’s nice when the bump starts...
Written July 21, 2017

The Travelling Foetus
14 weeks pregnant: See you later Sydney……UK here I come……for work unfortunately, not a holiday this time. This trip couldn’t have come at a better...
Written July 7, 2017

My Pink One
12 weeks pregnant: It’s a GIRL!!!!!!! What a week it’s been. We got the all clear from the blood test that the baby doesn’t have...
Written June 23, 2017

A Sick Birthday Present
11 weeks pregnant: I got sick this week……and then it was my birthday. I’ve always been one for great timing! We were out in the...
Written June 17, 2017

Making Gains
10 weeks pregnant: Officially a quarter of the way through!! Except that you’re not even pregnant until week 2 and you don’t find out until...
Written June 9, 2017

Eat, Wee, Sleep Repeat
9 weeks pregnant: Two days ago I felt so good those “am I still pregnant” thoughts came creeping into my conscious mind but as I...
Written June 1, 2017

The Travelling Embryo
7 weeks pregnant: Bula!!! Team Cole have just spent the week in Fiji for a wedding…….not the best timing on my behalf but then again,...
Written May 19, 2017

The Long Wait
5 weeks pregnant: This week I’ve been alternating between “yep I’m definitely pregnant” and “Hmmm, I feel too good, maybe something’s wrong”. I’ve put on...
Written May 5, 2017

Pregnancy – one of the few things in life that you can’t completely control!
My name is Brandi and I’m pregnant! I’m 34 years old, working full time as a sports doctor while concurrently completing a PhD and juggling...
Written May 1, 2017